Determination of Eid al-Fitr 1st Shawwal 1432 Hijri 2011

year previous year, current events towards the end of Ramadan in addition to going home news news of the feast of Eid al-Fitr 1st Shawwal 1432 Hijri 2011.Determination of Eid al-Fitr is almost equal to the initial determination of fasting, namely the computation (calculation) or by process Rukyatul (view) Hilal (moon sighting shortly after sunset).
It seems in 2011, the most likely Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1432 H will there be a discrepancy. Muhammadiyah, which is based on the computation (calculation), it has been decided, the holiday will fall on Tuesday (08/30/2011). While NU is still awaiting rukyat (vision) of the month, and could be a festival day falls on Wednesday (08/31/2011).
However, the existence of such differences. Expected to respect and appreciate the existing decision.
Central Executive Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Abdul Fattah Wibisono, in Jakarta on Friday (08/26/2011), reveals, Muhammadiyah has decreed that the feast of Eid al-Fitr this year will fall on Tuesday.
The decision was the result of calculation of Muhammadiyah team reckoning. At sunset on the day of the 29th Ramadan, or Monday (8/29/2011), position the new moon (the moon) was on the horizon with a height of 1 degree 55 minutes.
"If the moon was on the horizon, whether it can be seen by naked eye or not, that have entered the date of the new moon, in this case the first of Shawwal. Thus our calculation has been done since 1969, "he said.
Separately, Chairman of the Standing Committee Falaqiyah Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU NT) Ghazalie Masroeri Ahmad said, the determination of the feast of Eid al-Fitr by NU still waiting for the rukyat or visual observation with naked eye and telescopes on Monday (29/08/2011) afternoon.
Rukyat will be conducted at 90 strategic points from Sabang to Merauke, involving approximately 100 experts rukyah, a reckoning, and scholars. If the moon is not visible, fasting will be fulfilled to 30 days, so that 1 Syawal falls on Wednesday.
"The date and the new moon is considered arrived, if the moon was eight hours after sunset seen as high as about 2 degrees, while the distance between the sun and the moon about 3 degrees. If the moon had not been seen or have not reached that height, it has not been calculated into the new month, "he said.
Wibisono and Ahmad Abdul Fattah Ghazalie Masroeri, equally confirmed, it would be better if all the Muslim communities in Indonesia could berlebaran on the same day.However, if there were differences of opinion, each will respect each other.
Referring to Article 29 of the Constitution (Constitution) of 1945, religious communities have the freedom to worship according to their respective beliefs. Even if it later turns out does occur on different days of Idul Fitri, is expected to remain respectful community with emphasis on the spirit of brotherhood.
Executive Board of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) estimates are likely Eid celebrations which falls on 1 Shawwal 1423 Hijri will be held on Wednesday (31/08/2011). It was made because up to this time NU has not completely see the new moon (moon) sign the entry of the last day of Ramadan.
"NU Operational guidelines adhere to the hadith, fast because you see the moon, so be there or not monthly, not visible or month," said Chairman of the NU, Said Agil Siradj when met at the sidelines of the NU Board Mudik Bareng PWNU Office Jakarta, Saturday (27/08/2011).
With these estimates, according to Said Agil NU likely will be different during the celebration of Idul Fitri with Muhammadiyah. "Most likely we will be different with the Muhammadiyah," he explained.
Further, Said Agil adds, the current position of the new moon (moon) is in the position less than two degrees. Hilal's top position, nothing could possibly look for the later decision was made to determine the fall of 1 Shawwal 1423 Hijri.
"Calculation of reckoning is less than two degrees, anyone with a position that no one can see," said Said Agil.
Even so, Said Agil said the possibility of simultaneously celebrate Lebaran with Muhammadiyah on Tuesday (30/08/2011) future remains open.
"Who knows'll look, so can Fitri together," he said.
[Source] Selamat Hari Lebaran, Idul Fitri 1432 H 2011, Minal Aidzin Wal Faizin, Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin. Do not forget to wear ucapin Greetings Sms Lebaran ya

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